My Flatiron Project Showcase (part 2)

Alec Scully
3 min readMay 3, 2021

This is the second of two blog posts showcasing my Flatiron School projects. You can find the first part and a brief introduction here.

Phase 3 Project — MemeShare

During phase three we shifted our main focus from Ruby on Rails to vanilla JavaScrip. The project specifications were to create a single page application with a JavaScript frontend and a Ruby on Rails backend. My partner, Mary Ann Navarrete, and I decided to try our hands at creating a meme sharing platform — similar to imgur. Mary Ann took the reins on creating the backend for the app, while I tackled the frontend design of the app. A few features that we were proud of by the end of the week were the sorting buttons and the dark mode feature.

The git repo for this project can be found here.

Phase 4 Project — PaintIron

Our final instructed phase of Flatiron was focused on taking everything we had learned previously and learning to apply it all with React. The project that I decided to create is called PaintIron, and it was heavily inspired by a Flatiron lab that stuck with me. The driving idea for this project was to create, save and share “pixel boards” with other members of the website. I utilized JWT Auth for logins and allowed users to choose their own colors to paint on their pixel boards. Each user started with a default board, but was able to create new boards of three different sizes.

This project week was right in the middle of the Texas winter storm in 2021. 2/3 of our cohort and the majority of our teaching staff lived in Texas at the time, and that threw the whole week into turmoil and confusion. Luckily, everyone was safe by the end of the week and had something to show for it.

I created this project before I really knew how to do any CSS styling, so a future goal would be to really pretty the site up. Another future goal would be to implement a color picker tool so a user can choose more than just ROYGBIV, black and white.

The git repo for this project can be found here.

Phase 5 Capstone Project — Rose Apothecary e-Store

The last phase was a three week sprint to take everything you have learned and make a solo-project, with some guidance from the instructors. At this point in the Flatiron timeline, you already have all of the answers and knowledge, and there is no more formal teaching left to do.

For my project, I decided to create an e-commerce site for the Rose Apothecary, a fictional store found in Netflix’s Schitt’s Creek. I had recently binge-watched the entire series so it was fresh in my mind. The specifications for this project were extremely similar to the phase 4: a React app that has a Ruby on Rails backend API, full CRUD functionality, with one advanced technology. My advanced technology was JWT Auth again.

This project was a blast to create. Although the last half of a week was devoted entirely to CSS. I learned a lot in that last week about styling, and I took this project from a blank slate to what you see in the video above in only a few days.

The git repo for the frontend can be found here, and the backend can be found here.

So there you have it! My five Flatiron projects in the flesh. I hope you enjoyed reading and watching!

If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to connect, feel free to reach me at my LinkedIn.

Thank you and have a great day!

